Why SEO Is Important During Covid19

Profit SEO
7 min readApr 15, 2020


The outbreak of COVID-19 and the worldwide lock-down due to this pandemic have a massive impact on all commercial sectors.

This virus started in Wuhan, China, at the end of the year 2019 and in 2020 spread across the world, causing a significant change in our lives.

Many important cities shut down numerous sectors of the economy and only those companies who activated online managed to keep their business running and cashing in profits.

If you are running a business nowadays, you should pay extra attention to SEO, because it is more important than ever. In the following sections, we will discuss further the benefits of focusing on your SEO strategies, especially during the COVID19 outbreak.

You might feel tempted to cut down in this period at your marketing expenses, but this is a big mistake.

Keep in mind that your customer’s behavior will change, and you must keep up with this. Let’s find out more about the advantages a professional SEO strategy will provide for your business and how SEO can help you:

SEO will help you keep up with the consumer’s behavior change

First is important to acknowledge the way your target audience’s behavior will change in these times.

Most cities are locked down, people are social distancing, trying to flatten the curve, and they are looking for other means to fulfill their needs. This means that they will focus in online.

Consumers will purchase online products or services, now more than ever. People will spend more time at home, searching on the internet, not only for fun.

They will try as much as they can to keep up with their normal lives, relying on the help of online.

And this will continue for a few months for now, and even more important, after all this will be over, they most probably will keep the distance as much as they can.

So, if you used until this point to rely only on your physical stores, now it is time to reconsider this and move forward to the future, online, and be present there for your customers. Otherwise, you will lose a significant amount of potential clients. Online buying replaces in-store purchasing currently.

According to statistics, in China and Italy, the countries most affected by the effects of COVID19, for example, the e-commerce shops reported increased sales with almost 90% compared to the same period in 2019. This helps you to make a clear image of the potential of online.

Even more, if we take a look at the big players, you should know that Amazon hired 100.000 new employees to make sure that they will be able to meet the increased demands in this crisis.

Moving your business online will help your business to keep up with your customer’s current needs and assure your survival during these hard times.

SEO will offer you visibility

While physical stores are shut down and people are social distancing, customers rely on online to shop. And to still be relevant for them, they must find your business where they will search for your products/services, in the search engine. A good SEO strategy will offer you visibility.

People will use the search engine to fulfill their needs and your company must be shown there for them, to provide your products and make the shopping experience easy and handy.

And this visibility your business can gain due to SEO strategies it is not just a short-term benefit for your company, but also a long-term one.

A good SEO strategy will assure your company survival now but it will also improve your profits after all this will be over.

SEO will help your business stay in front of your competition

You must be aware of the fact that, most probably, your competitors will not back down during the covid19 outbreak.

Many of them will see this as an opportunity to rank better in the search results and exploit the fact that other competitors will slow down the engines.

So, to stay in front of your competitors, you must focus on your SEO efforts as well. We are facing terrible times, but we can take advantage of this and see it as an opportunity to grow, develop, and discover the benefits of online. When all this is over, all the efforts will deliver excellent results.

SEO will increase your sales

As we stated earlier, at this point, we can see a significant increase in sales for online businesses in the countries most affected by covid19.

This shows us the potential your business can take advantage from. A correct SEO strategy will assure you quality traffic, which is most prone to convert.

Users who search in Google for your products/services have a real interest, and they most probably will buy from your company.

You must be aware that clients still need your products even in these times and they are trying to live their life as normally as they can.

You sure know the Pareto principle, and this means that 80% of your future business depends on 20% of your existing clients.

And you must be present for them in these hard times, in online, You don’t afford to lose them.

Making a reasonable step online, you will allow your clients to continue working with you.

SEO will help you gain brand trust

For any successful business, brand trust is crucial. More than ever now, in these uncertain times. People need trustworthy companies to help them pass over these hard times. And now, we will get to SEO role in this.

Users tend to rely on Google ranking system and, if they see a business in the first positions, this is a hint for them that that company is reliable and trustworthy.

Can you do an exercise and think about the last time you passed through the first page of results in Google? Rarely, no? Because you rely mostly on the business shown in the first positions.

As well, your clients will think the same way. And this is backed up with statistics. According to the Edelman Brand Trust report 2019, 81% of consumers say that ‘I must be able to trust the brand to do what is right’. This translates to the fact that trust is one of the most valuable commodities in these uncertain times we are facing.

If you desire your clients to buy from you, you first have to make sure that they trust your company. This is why you should invest in a good SEO strategy that will assure you a good ranking in the search engine and an inherent trust in the eyes of your potential clients.

SEO will provide for your business a lifeline

People will stay more in their homes, which means that they are not able to come to your office/shop, and this can send your business to a crush if you are relying only on the physical part. Nowadays, technology makes it possible for companies and clients to stay in touch even in this crisis, and this is an opportunity you must not neglect.

You can assure your company’s survival by taking the right decision and switch online, where customers need you now. To be successful, you must adapt; this is the first rule of survival. Remember this at all times and focus on changing. During the Covid19 outbreak, this means that you have to be present online.

We are living hard times

This crisis has many adverse effects; we don’t know how long it will take, and when it will be over. They are many uncertainties around this, but the only constant is the rise of online. And it is crucial to adapt to survive.

You must take the correct decision for your business and focus on online, increase your SERO efforts, and be there for your audience. As we mentioned earlier, this strategy is not only for the short-term but also for the long-term. You will be able to reach your customers during this pandemic, but also, when all this is over, you will be able to increase your sales by selling both online and offline.

It is a winning strategy that will take your business to the next level and help you stay in front of your competition. You must keep in mind that even if users are preoccupied with their finances, they will still look for your products and services.

Even in a recession, people are willing to spend money, and SEO will help them reach your business. If you ignore the importance of SEO, you will miss these valuable potential customers, and this means lost revenues that every business needs to survive.

SEO will help commerce stay alive during the covid19 outbreak. This is the time to make the best use of SEO to build a strong brand, maintain or even increase your sales, and assure your company’s survival. We are experiencing real tragedies both in personal and professional lives, but it is essential to keep our motivation and seek opportunities instead of focusing on problems.

This way, when all this will be over, we will be able to rebuild our lives and the economy.

Originally published at https://www.profitseo.com.au on April 15, 2020.

